Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Week 9 - A potpourri of progress

This is the last week of our first quarter of school and this was the last 20 Percent Day that we had for the quarter.  Ideally students should have completed 4 blogs for each week they've been working since I showed them how to blog, but most students had 3 while others had none, so I changed the required number of blogs for the first quarter from 4 to 3.

Instead of a fourth blog from everyone, I created a Google Form I had everyone fill called, "First Quarter Survey."    My thinking was that I could quickly read the responses and get a sense of where they are at.  I included questions about how like "How would rate how your project is going so far?" and "What do you need help with or are having trouble with?"

My goal  is to meet with the groups that need help or having a problem with something.  The final question I put on the form was optional and it allowed students to just add a question or a comment about the project.  Most of the students left it blank, but here is one student's answers for what they need help in and their comment.

Some groups need no help, some need a push, and some need some tweaking.  Next week I'm going to introduce the progress presentation they need to start next week they'll be preparing for their peers.  My thinking is that by sharing what they've done so far, they'll either not they are on the right track or they need to crank up it some.


Here is the link to the form I created.

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