Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Week 7 - Gaining Momentum

As we continue to work on our 20 Percent Projects, I see many students and groups working autonomously.  What a beautiful thing to see.

Because the students were working so well today, I spent the majority of my time taking students outside to film them talking about their projects.  I simply had them introduce themselves and say what they are doing their projects on.  After a few students were filmed, I noticed that many of the students were not comfortable talking into a camera.  I encouraged them to speak with confidence and look right into the camera.

In the video below, one of the groups had a bit of fun with it and did a great job.


This group is working on recreating the hit "Hot dogs or legs" pictures that were sort of big this summer.  I've included a link to one of the student's blog for this assignment.  Please feel free to visit his blog and leave him a comment if you have the time.  I'm sure he'd appreciate it. 

Since we are nearing the end of the first quarter, I'm thinking about an assignment or presentation in the second quarter when students come up, maybe two or three per week where students will come up and share the progress they are making.  I am thinking ahead because I'm anticipating that some students will need that motivation to produce something otherwise they may wait until the last minute and will have wasted all these Wednesdays.

Until next time.

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